wah...begitu lama rasanye last update...bukan takde cerita baru tapi kesihatan yg tak elok ni..membuatkan segala mood utk men upload gambar menyusut ke tahap kritikal..
banyak cerita happen in July actually..
first of all.... i would like to say 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to me...29 July 2009...
the suppose to be a small celebration among the four of us turned up to be a run-here-and-there sending my hubby to the clinic, the children to the school and back to office later...
yes..my hubby flu and fever getting worse on the night before my birthday and upon checking up, was told that he was suspected H1N1...mau tak mengelebah mak kan...so where got time to blow the candle lah...my hubby pun just give me money to buy whatever I want for my birthday...
tapi of course I am not in the mood of thinking about my present..what's more with my twin is also started to show sign of flu...
and the next day (a day after my birthday)...around 10.30 am, I got a phone call from their teacher telling that Johan is having high fever...so mcm shumacher lah saya membawa kereta...(ok..this is absolutely exagerating)...
sampai school depa, I bring Johan to klinik..dua hari berturut2 berkejar ke clinic ye...fever is at 39 degree, not as high as my hubby a day before at 41 degree...so gone dah 1/2 my working day...
at 4 pm, i need to rush back to office to settle a few urgent things since I have to take leave the next day...ye lah 2 org baby terlantar kat umah kan..
and now..semua dah sihat tapi ibu ye pulak yg kena sakit mata on friday last week (2 day after my birthday) and having flu...boleh gitu kan..
sebab itulah..terasa amat malas utk menulis sebab di ofis pun, buat kerja dlm2 sakit kepala...sebab tak boleh nak cuti sakit jugak...kerja menimbun tu..sorrylah kalau sapa2 yg terkena jangkitan mata nanti...
and thank you for all the birthday wishes sms to me last week...yg tak wish tu, don't worry sebab i tau you all still remember me..kih!kih! perasan org ingat kat kita..tapi korang mesti ingat lagi kan sapa diri i ni...
and yesterday..check in at Thistle Resort PD sebab jadi urusetia for a workshop..walau pun mata masih ada kemerahan..and now i officially memakai spec semula..the doctor said...NO contact lens for atleast 1 month ye..and melebur lagi duit ku pi buat spec baru ..since the one i have right now is the one yg buat when I was 20 years old..zaman dinosour dulu...
and until now..is still in PD..baru ada kelapangan utk update blog..
psst..saje nak bagitau...akhirnya dpt dah broadband celcom tu hari selasa hari tu...giles berzaman kan..