Friday, September 26, 2008
Happy Eid Mubarak 2008
From Dapur Ibu@4
These are some of the menu for this week...not much variety kan..dah rindu masakan mak ni..
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Its a guy thing
I get this fact n myth about man from my sister, Ida...just want to share it with my guy friends dengan soalan "ye ke macam ni? ....
- If you don't dress like the Victoria 's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
- If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us anymore -- we refuse to answer.
- Sometimes we're not thinking about you. Live with it. And don't ask us what we are thinking about unless you're prepared to discuss such subjects as belly button lint or monster trucks.
- Sunday equals sports. It's like the full moon or the tides: there's nothing you can do about it. And shopping isn't a sport, never was a sport and never will be a sport.
- When we're going out, absolutely anything you wear is fine. Really. Just fine. The first thing you put on. Truly. Now let's get going already!
- You have enough clothes. You have too many shoes. Most guys own just 3 pairs of shoes. Why do you think we'd be any good at choosing which of your 30 pairs goes well with that dress?
- Crying is blackmail. Blackmail is cheating. Men don't like people who cheat. See "Sports".
- Just come out and ask for what you want. Let's be absolutely clear on this point: Subtle hints don't work, strong hints don't work, really obvious hints don't work. If you're really serious about it, just come right out and ask us. And by the way, the answer is probably "no".
- We don't know what day it is, and never will. Write all birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions in bright red on the calendar, and make sure we see it.
- Trust me on this, standing up while peeing makes it much harder to aim. We're bound to miss sometimes. It's not the end of the world.
- "Yes" and "no" are perfectly acceptable answers to almost any question.
- Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
- A headache that recurs every night is a problem. See a doctor.
- Foreign films are best left to foreigners. Unless there's fighting in it.
- Check your dang oil. And if your car makes a "funny noise", say something now -- don't wait until it gets worse. Remember: it always gets worse.
- It is not in your best interest or ours to take that magazine quiz together. It doesn't matter which magazine or which quiz.
- Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument and all comments become null and void after 7 days.
- If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant it the other way. Really.
- Ogling is genetic in males. It doesn't mean we love you less. As my old friend Rich used to say, "It doesn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you eat at home." Just be glad we have an appetite, OK?
- You can either tell us to do something or tell us how to do something, but not both.
- Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
- All men see in about 16 colors. Peach is a fruit, not a color. And life is easier if you bunch all those "eggshell" colors into "pretty much white."
- When it itches, it will be scratched. Live with it.
- Know how you feel about handbags? That's how we feel about beer.
- If we ask what's wrong, and you say "nothing", we'll act like nothing's wrong. We know you're lying -- it's just not worth the hassle to dig it out of you. So if you have something to say, just say it!
- Finally, if we've settled an argument, it's settled, OK? Don't start it all over again later. If it's not settled in your mind, don't agree to the settlement the first time.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Jalan TAR-S.Alam-Sg. Buloh
berlemuih tangan tu makan macaroni..ayam ye makan seketul aje
Friday, September 19, 2008
19th Ramadhan
From Dapur Ibu @3
Sempoi fried rice n drummet
Ketupat goreng...ketupat tu yanti kasi..makan dgn sambal udang..sedap
Terubok bakar...cicah dgn cili sos aje...(I just ate the fish, no rice)
Nugget and drummet goreng...utk hero 2 orang tu
Monday, September 15, 2008
From Dapur Ibu@2
I have an instant sauce of tandoori (tesco brand aje) which i bought last month but didn't try it yet..and as all of u know, ramadhan month really is the time when every food looks yummy and you kind of mengidam everything, I tried cooking tandoori chicken last sunday..and the taste turn out so good for a packet of instant recipe...and I plan to cook the tandoori chicken again today with plain bread (for a healthier meal)...
for those of you who are curious about the recipe, it's as easy as 1 2 3...
1....cut n clean the chicken
2...add the instant recipe
3..add 1 cup of plain yogurt..
mix everything well, marinate for atleast 30 min..and then bake at 200C for 45 minutes...
since i am too lazy to use the oven, so i just grill+microwave it for 20 minutes..walla...siap utk di makan..
Here are some of the food that we have last week...enjoy the picture
dah berbuka posa
Saturday, September 13, 2008
another peep on our new nest
Friday, September 12, 2008
Orang Kata...Mak Kata...
ORANG KATA.. enjoy sementara muda, hidup panjang lagi, dah tua nanti taubatlah.
MAK KATA.. orang muda hidup memang baru bermula, tapi belum tentu masih panjang lagi, entah esok lusa Izrail datang menjemput.
AKU RASA.. betul jugak tu..
ORANG KATA.. exams tu susah, kena banyak sacrifice, constant study..past year papers..etc..etc..etc..
MAK KATA.. exams tu senang aje, dah ada tarikh untuk diuji, dah ada syllabus untuk diikut, kalau ajal..entah bila siapapun tak tahu, byk pula tu peringkat ujiannya, Munkar Nankir, Neraca Mizan, tayangan slide..
AKU RASA.. betul jugak tu..
ORANG KATA.. have fun on your birthday, panggil kekawan and sedara mara, berpartylah sepanjang malam, make it a memorable one!!
MAK KATA.. setiap hari jadi, kita semakin hampir, hampir setahun dengan kematian, setahun lagi diberi peluang utk beramal, bertaubat..
AKU RASA.. betul jugak tu..
ORANG KATA.. kerja mesti sungguh-sungguh, beli rumah besar, kereta mewah, makan lazat.. baru hati puas!
MAK KATA.. ye ke hati dah puas?? dah cukup ibadah nak tempah kubur luas-luas? dah cukup amal nak 'book' tempat Al-Firdaus?
AKU RASA.. betul jugak tu..
ORANG KATA.. successful people have a good time management, ada bisnes di KL, new york, tokyo.. masih sempat berkempen utk pilihanraya, masih sempat melepas lelah di disko dan karaoke, masih sempat pasang perempuan 2-3, baru orang boleh respect!
MAK KATA.. setiap manusia dapat 24 jam dlm sehari, tapi.. ada masa ke utk sujud di sejadah 5 kali sehari semalam? ada masa ke nak selak Al-Quran sekali seminggu? ada masa ke nak jenguk/telefon ibu ayah di kampung, sekali dalam seminggu, atausebulan, atau setahun?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Fat ... Fat... Please Go Away
My weight is really something that bother me so much lately…especially when the 5 charlie’s angel in my office (they know who they are) have shed kilos n kilos…more than 10 kg ok…but poor me, I only managed the meager 2 kg…tak significant langsung….
So what should I do next….I’ve try exercise, limiting rice intake, diet pill, supplement drink…lots of money was washed down the drain to washed away this stubborn fat…so maybe I should pray reaallllly hard kan…
Exercise…once I jog @ walk everyday for 1 week after office hour..atleast 45 minutes each session but after that, the workload in the office makes it impossible for me to leave the desk promptly at 5.30 p.m…now I also take jamu but I usually forget to follow the instruction, 30 minutes before meal…the bottle which I supposed to finish in 1 month, now after 3 months, the bottle is still not empty…rice intake, yes this is the only thing that I managed to control as I seldom take rice now and the amount taken is only limited to 1 small portion only..
I know the answer is my WILL power is not strong enough..what’s more with having a husband who didn’t care about my weight..He is more concern when I refuse to eat rice….He noticed that I have put more weight last year, but for him, what’s a big hu ha about it…of courselah since he can still maintain his weight though makan punyalah banyak…life is never fair right…
So…dear hubby tersayang..tolonglah memberi semangat buat isteri mu ini utk meneruskan perjuangan mengapai cita2 yang tak kesampaian ini…Amin..
and to my 5 charlie's angel..thank you for being there supporting me in this mission..janganlah tinggalkan I jauh sgt ye dlm carta tu...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
From Dapur Ibu
Saturday, September 6, 2008
New house
The new highway really a big convenience since our housing development is just beside the highway (u can actually see the house from the highway)…and it is just 1 km from the Pajam toll station…so those planning to come to my house, you will not lost if u used the LEKAS highway…
Okay enough about the highway…the bigger story I would like to share is about my new house…I actually go inside the house since the gate and the main door is not locked..but unluckily, I did not bring the camera that day..why didn’t I used the phone’s camera..heh!heh! because my phone is from the dinosaur time ok..the camera is very blurr one already…actually, it is high time for me to change the phone but since I want the Apple iphone or the Samsung Omnia, I guess I have to be a little bit patience to save the amount needed…
Ayooo…already third paragraph and I still did not tell about the house…overall the construction is almost complete…from what I can see, the things that are not fitted yet are the lighting, the fan and the tap pipe…everything else is already complete ..oh ya, there are few X-marks on the wall, I guess the inspection by the developer had been done..that might be the sign to mark any defect in wall plaster or uneven colour.
Adam at the playground
These pictures were taken 2 weeks before, now, they have removed the green zinc...tak sabarnye nak masuk umah ni
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A little note
splashing around at Desa Water Park 2008
Dining out at Bangi Chicken House Adam's practising his table ethics..he usually r not this polite..ok
the one who didn't care less about any ethics...yummy haaa...
I'll post more picture next times...(God Knows when)...needs to get back to work