Just likes other kids, my twin loves animal...be it the species on the land or under the sea, present or prehistoric species...and they are so fond of whale and dinosaur..kalau kuat mcm dinosaur, big mcm whale...and since Midvalley is having a Big Blue-National Geographic Exhibition about blue whale, we takes this chance to brought the kid there on Sunday to see the replica of blue whale...
I can say that it is a good and educating experience for them... they also aired the documentary about this amazing animal and I did learnt a few interesting facts about them...the full documentary was aired on channel 533- national geographic later that night..
and tell you, the replica of blue whale as in the picture is just 2 months old calf ok...the size of mature blue whale is about 3 times bigger..surely cannot fit the foyer ye...though i first thought they are showing the mother whale replica...
and my twin..memang kekaguman sungguhlah..can see it in their eyes bila tengok whale tu...when they were told that that is the size of baby whale...mummy dia lagi big, even bigger than dinosaur, tahap kekagumannya. dah jadi gaban dah..lepas ni, title no. 1 strongest and biggest goes to whale lah pulak..mlm tu pulak, melangut kat depan tv tengok documentary tu...
Johan and baby whale
Adam..bukan nak tengok kamera, tengok aweklah pulak...