Monday, May 11, 2009

Black out, black out, black out!!!

not once ok...but thrice...

it happen at almost 3 pm on Saturday..last for about 3 hours, on again for 2 hours before gone again at 7.15 p.m...and this one last until 2 a. m. ok....bergelimpangan lah my twin tidur on the floor and lenguhlah tanganku mengipas mereka..kesian pulak tengok berpeluh-peluh tu...kalau tau lambat nooo nak sambung balik bekalan tu, harus dah saya mengangkut tikar bantal semua ke umah makcik ... ingatkan sekejap aje..

and then, the next happen again at 3.15 pm ketika saya sedang melayan Mr. Deeds di Astro..nasib baik dah tengok filem ni kalau tak mau frust jugak den..and this time, without any delay, I put the twin into the car and off to Giant..menghabiskan masa at the playground..atleast it is cold...sms neighbour tanya about the status..dah bekalan ada barulah kami balik at about 6.30 pm..

gitulah kisah saya menyambut Hari Ibu dalam kepanasan.. tapi membawa keinsafan jugaklah..kita ni panas sekejap pun dah tak susah yg rumah tak de bekalan letrik tu, lagilah..hari-hari duk berpanas..tu belum lagi kira panas NERAKA tu...adus....

1 comment:

Adam Azhar said...

i feel so scared in the dark.and with out the fan,oh no..

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