writing from De Palma Hotel, Kuala Selangor...my first entry from my laptop...(hampeh tul , kemain lama aku nak dpt broadband aku tu)
the minus point is only that my camera memory card is stuck in my laptop memoray card slot..thus makes all beautiful moments in Kuala Selangor can only be captured in our head..
the plus point are..I am here accompanied my father to his reunion with his schoolmates way back from year 1964, SDAR...
seeing my father's face really light up meeting his old schoolmate makes me so happy today...there're about 70 of them...and this is one of the rare moments when I see how childish my father and his friends are..all are above 50 years old but you can see, their acts are just like they were in the school...with hugging, cracking jokes, sharing old, faded photo and remisniscense the old memories...the moment they meets, all the family member accompanied was left to entertain yourself..thanks god there is swimming pool here...and my twin is so busy showing off their skill in the pool and left me alone in the hotel room..I get the hotel room while my parents get the chalet (the hotel room is bigger, currently completed with 21 in samsung lcd)..
I believe those who are fortunate enough to live part of their life in the hostel, will one day...especially after 40 years, understand the special bond we have among the roomates..sharing the tender moments in our adolascent life away from our family, friends in the best things and I minght said, the main things making life in the hostel full of fun and memorable..
As my father, I also spend a large part of my life away from my family...started in MRSM terendak at a very tender age of 13..then I went to MRSM Kuantan for Form 4 and 5 (because I want to be nearer to Terengganu)..and later to MSMKL doing my A-level, NCUK in PPP/ITM and then 2 years in UK for my degree...and ever since I graduated, the longest time I spend in my hometown in 1 year, after i get married...and now, I back to KL/Putrajaya/Nilai...thus, if my life was counted in hours, most of it is away from the loved one..but that doesn't make me less close to my parents...
My father also started in SDAR at the same age as me, 13 years old...I still remember how he always told me about the long journey he had to endure during his student time...at that time, SDAR was not in current location in N.Sembilan but was in Tanjung Malim...can't imagine the train (old train ok) from KB to Tanjung Malim..
And seeing all of his friends today..with all of them have a strick (a lot stricks, actually) of white hair..I wonder how me and my friends from the school day would be after 40 years...I do hope we can still connect as my father and his old friends did...
tonite..we are planning to go around K.selangor searching for pasar malam..because where else is a better place to see wide array of local delicacies...my father's has his own activity tonite starting with tahlil (for the friends that have passed away, quite a few I was told)...follows by dinner and I heard that they will just talking (borak-borak) until morning...