Thursday, December 9, 2010

nak bagi makan ikan tak?

Pada sapa2 yg rasa nak bagi makan ikan (sambil2 buat pahala kan)..korang bolehlah ke City Park, Seremban 2...

kat sini ada tasik yg luas, jogging trek, ada alat2 senaman...

dan yg plg best, kat sini ada kolam besar yg banyak sgt ikan koi japan tu....beribu-ribu lemon gitu..

and ada jugak kura-kura ye ....

korang tak yah risau nak kena pi cari makanan ikan ke roti ke sebelum dtg sini..sbb banyak penjual makanan ikan dan roti kat tepi jalan..utk korang beli, tabur dlm kolam tu dan akan timbullah beribu-ribu ikan (aku exagerate ye beribu-ribu tu tapi still seriuslah banyak sgt...) mencari rezeki kan...

harga roti tu murah aje..RM1 sebeg plastik...makanan ikan pun RM1 sepaket..tapi ada jugak yg promo buy 1 free 1 tapi aku tak taulah free apa sbb aku beli yg RM1 tu (sebab malas nak berjalan jauh kan...jauhlah sangat tu kan...tak sampai pun 200m tapi malas punya pasal kan..)

tapi aku hairanlah...punyalah ramai manusia dok bagi makan ikan2 ni..tapi setiap kali kau tabur makanan, mesti berpuluh yang timbul berebut..tak kenyang2 ye depa ni dok makan aje...aku tengok badan sekor2 ikan tu, memang montel2 lah...tapi bila ikan montel, kita kata cute kan...bila manusia motel, ermmm...awat kita tak kata cute eh! cam aku yang montel ni...

budak yg bersungguh2 bagi makan ikan...sampai aku terpaksa menapak balik ke tukang jual roti, beli lagi seplastik beg...

ni budak yg baru bangun tidur...dgn air liur basi tu, bagi ikan makan..ikan tengok muka dia ni, mesti yg tak lalu sikit nak makan..tapi sikit ajelah tak lalunye...(to Lee: "tak lalu" tu maksud dia "takde selera")

pemandangan tasik...aku ambik gambar pakai phone aje...sebab tri mengejut..asal trip mengejut, persiapan pun mengejut maka aku pasti akan terlupa kamera..

ada air pancut tgh tasik..tapi satu ni ajelah...

ni ikan sikit aje..sebab tak lalu nak makan tengok muka adam dgn air liur basi dia...kih!kih!


Lee said...

Hi Marie, re your last comment re Terry and have a green pass. I did not put up any roadblock.

I am presently putting back most of my old postings, sorting them out by year and date.
I guess when you were reading, I was doing some adjustments.
Bear with me if any postings disappear. They have gone back to the right year and date.

By the way, kalau you ada free time, check out the beginning of my archives. 2007. 'A Faded letter from the past'.
Its about the love of a mature lady for a man half her age. guess who?

It is the longest posting, 8 chapters. Took 3 weeks to conclude. Suggest if you read, don't cheat...I mean don't check out the ending.
I am now about to put back the last chapter, after i chabut from here.

Love your this posting. You got a great looking kid there.
I bet with the mother's traffic stopper looks, *wink*.
Nice pics too. Love it.
Have a nice day, Lee.

marie said... wonder your posting 2 months ago was highlited in my blog...must be due to your action of arranging the posting sequence..

nasib baiklah as long as u tak roadblock i dah lah..nanti susah i nak komen...

I have read the faded letter and have post my comment on it before...Irene will be forever in ur heart right, but surely cannot challenge ur wife lah kan...It really a very touching story...tak boleh baca semula sebab nanti I nangis lagi...

Lee said...

Hi Marie, How you doin'?
I am busy re-arranging my old postings back to their respective previous order, but malas sikit, so lintang pukang sekarang, Ha ha.
You read the 'I was bought, not born'?

Anyway, have a pleasant weekend....
And yes, Irene will always have a special place in my hati.

Its funny how fate works. A woman made me cry, then later met Irene...a woman if younger, and if not for my career, I would have married her.
Then lost her and later a woman found me.

Its funny, she found me, ha ha....and nobody warned me about women who can cook. Habis cherita!
Macham haruan dalam net, ha ha.
Have a nice weekend, Lee.

marie said...

Lee...i tgh baca ur old posting..quite a few yg I missed last time...I still am searching for the story of woman that make u cry

Lee said...

Hi Marie, it's there, but 2 versions. Check out I think March, "will you accept me as your son in law'?
I am slowly putting most of my old postings back, but abit lintang pukang as lost the actual dates, as well too lazy to check out from the 55,000 comments I'd save. from all the postings.

Put back 12 already in March and April. Lee.

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