Last week, I attended a course (Kursus Pemantapan Sahsiah..kurang mantap rupanye sahsiah ku) at Hotel Beverly, Kota Kinabalu..and that is also the first time I've been in KK..and what can i say about KK...I realy fall in love with the people there....they are soo kind, cheerful and helpful not forgetting very soft spoken...from the taxi driver, the sales girl n sales man, the staff in the hotel, the mak cik n pakcik at the pasar malam n all the staff in KK International airport...never in my life I felt so welcome in foreign places like i felt in KK (tapi den pun bukannye banyak noooo travel pun)..
The moment we touched down at KKIA, I went to withdraw money from the ATM Machine and purposely reminded Cik Tem to make sure that that is the only time I am allowed to be near any ATM Machine (I need to spend wisely kan!!! nak masuk umah baru ni, duit banyak nanti nak pakai)...yes, I do keep the promise as that is the only time I withdraw money and when I take off from KKIA on Thursday, I only have RM20 in my wallet..betul2 punya membeli...(psst...i post the picture later as i forget to bring the cable today)...
Having put my foot in Sabah, means the only state in Malaysia I not yet be is Penang...bilalah nak pi Penang ni..(dlm hati, bilalah si Irshan nak belikan tiket pergi balik utk den sefamily ke sana ni...)
i tak beli pun pasal kat umah dah ada 2 yg org kasi free
apa lagi ... rembatlah..dah selamat dlm bakul kat umah tu..
menyesal beli 2 ketul aje, sekor bagi kat my mum...sedap sgt....
pasar malam tepi Le Meridien hotel..lagi murah dari Pasar Filipina
salam mary....if u want to go overstate, kindly visit can buy trip at cheaper and reasonable price...look at their promotion...dont miss-out
masalah dgn airasia ni kita kena booking very the early..n taulah, kita ni bukannye senang nak dpt cuti...anyway, thanks for the info..nanti i rajin2 kan diri surf website dema ye..
where is the bilis that i ask u to buy? u dont pretend that u dont know what i've informed u earlier....
alah putera...den tak retilah nak menawar ikan bilis tu..u kata kalau harga dlm Rm18 belilah...dah tu puas air liur den tawar, paling rendah pun den tak belilah utk u dan utk den sendiri pun den tak beli..sori ye..
alah N.M.I pesan bilis sekor pun tak bole beli....tu bukannya suruh beli seguni bilis...malas la nak kawan dgn u....buang masa jer.....habis tu, apa u beli utk i? tak kan la takde souvenier utk best friend, dah lah u HEBOH2 kan berita u nak pergi KK, alih2 satu apa pun tak de beli...buang karan jer lah.....jangan lupa, nak masuk umah baru tu, buat sambal bilis yg best2 makan dgn lontong tau....
ada souvenir utk kau..kuih cincin seketul (bukan seplastik ye)..hah!hah! kenapa kau tak cakap nak sekor aje, penat2 aku tanya seplastik beg tu..nanti kau pi sydney, jgn lupa buah tangan utk aku ye...
kedekut la ko, kuih cincin kat sini pun ada....aku tak mau.....bagi la mutiara baju melayu.....raikan kawan2 tengah2 belanja berhemat, korang pi tabur duit kat oversea plak tuuu......bertuah punya KKM
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