So today Cik Tem is in dire needs of food therapy and somehow my face pop up in her mind (food n me kan...hah!hah!) and she is generous enough to treat me for lunch at Sushi King..I think it is more like dining in sushi king... Since that is the first time I dine in Sushi King ..so everything seems so new, so interesting...and I really love the sweet ketchup + wasabi..cik tem was quite surprise with the amount of wasabi I put into the ketchup..well, I like wasabi (thanks to cik tem again for persuading me to taste it for the first time) and this one seems so mild compares to usual JJ's wasabi..
Oh ya, just to tell u..actually, we have been planning to eat there since the new restaurant opened last year in Alamanda, but other "important" thing always crop out to destroy our plan but today, my waiting finally end..and thank you very much cik tem for the wonderful treat...
p/s: next time u needs food therapy, remember me yeah! hah!hah!
and also remind me to take photo ok..ni dah kenyang baru teringin..hampeh tul..
Oh ya, just to tell u..actually, we have been planning to eat there since the new restaurant opened last year in Alamanda, but other "important" thing always crop out to destroy our plan but today, my waiting finally end..and thank you very much cik tem for the wonderful treat...
p/s: next time u needs food therapy, remember me yeah! hah!hah!
and also remind me to take photo ok..ni dah kenyang baru teringin..hampeh tul..
hahah yeah, u got the set right. lazat kannn.......?
nxt meet up, roti naan? hehehe
memang lazat cik tem, and sampai la ni tgh sendat lagi perut ni..
sedap sungguhlah ...
thanks ye
nanti kita kenduri nan cheese n tandori pulak..u sediakan venue, i sediakan makanan..yeah! bila nak pindah ni
Aduhai kakakku yg comel...makan je keje kamu kan?! Takpe la, selagimana kita sihat dan boleh makan apa saja, belasah je. Bkn apa, takut bila dah sakit nanti...kena pantang itu la pantang ini la..tak dpt menikmati sume jenis makanan. Jadi,masa2 sihat camnila kita kena makan sume benda yg kita nak makan. Biar perut sendat, yg penting kita enjoyyyyyyy:-)
akak ni memang suka sushi..tapi apa yg akak tak suka ye..semuanya akak suka..sabar ajelah..
kat sushi king tu memang sedap tapi mesti mahal..sebab cik tem tu siap tak nak kasi tau akak berapa jumlah semua tu...
hahahahhahaha mana ada mahal, sebab murah la tanak kasitau. x sampai separuh ratus pon. hehehe
yelah tu tem...mesti mahal ni...
tapi kan tem, hari akak dah rasa macam mengidam pulak kat sushi king tu..mcm mana ni?
wasabi???? larikkkkkk....
adie..jgn lari dulu..wasabi ni acquired taste..kalau selalu makan, lama2 jadi sedap jugak...mcm durian..
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