This year, we slaughtered a cow for aqiqah of 3 family, myself and my 2 sisters. The kenduri was held at my mother's house (mcm ada tempat lain pulak..heh!heh!)..when we arrived at about 4.00 am on the first raya, the cow was already being tied at the lawn...and the twin was really excited about the cow..yelah, first time dpt tengok lembu dlm pagar rumah kan (nasib baik tak minta belikan as pet)..
The majlis was really packed with people from 12 pm until 5 pm...my mum actually have an invitation card made for the ceremony and total guests are about 500 people..mcm kenduri kahwin pulak...the weather is also good, all shine and dry (it's have been raining for quite some time at east coast, musim tengkujuh kan) and we are really grateful that the food are enough for everyone..
Most of the guest were really thrilled of having gulai gear box, siap mintak straw nak hirup sum-sum tu, but it is nice to see them eating it with straw & knife while most of them opt. to use their teeth and hand utk mengigit urat-urat lembut tersebut..
The majlis was really packed with people from 12 pm until 5 pm...my mum actually have an invitation card made for the ceremony and total guests are about 500 people..mcm kenduri kahwin pulak...the weather is also good, all shine and dry (it's have been raining for quite some time at east coast, musim tengkujuh kan) and we are really grateful that the food are enough for everyone..
Most of the guest were really thrilled of having gulai gear box, siap mintak straw nak hirup sum-sum tu, but it is nice to see them eating it with straw & knife while most of them opt. to use their teeth and hand utk mengigit urat-urat lembut tersebut..
Salam akak,
Wow..sedapnya sedut sum-sum gear box dgn straw tu. Saya pun ada sedut jugak hari raya baru2 ni...sampai pening kepala la sbb byk kolestrol...huhuhu. Hari ni pun kepala dok ting-tong lagi...huhuhu:-(
akak tak sempat nak sedut pun, habis utk tetamu aje..gambar pun tak sempat ambik sebab kameraman kecik tu sibuk aje nak pegang kamera
U patut amik gambar mereka yg dok sedut sum-sum and masukkan dalam N3 ni....
betul tu adie, tapi masa tu i sibuk layan sedara yg dtg..tak sempat nak sambar kamera pun..sayang betul tak dpt snap gulai gear box tu
Tak ingat pun nak ambik gambar klong hirup gear box api gambar lembu kena sembelah ada
gambar makan gear box tak ada gambar lembu punya gear box ada
makan..makan...dan makan lagi...hehehehe
nur..emaillah mana2 gambar yg ada sebab dlm kamera k.long, gambar2 yg si adam ambik..tak kena fokus betul
shah...sedap shah gulai gear box tu..akak sempat makan seketul aje, itu pun kecik aje, yg org tak habis makan...tapi seronok tengok tetamu makan..
mana nak cari kaki lembu kat KL ni, boleh jugak buat sup gear box kat umah
ishhhh...kaki lembu bersepah kat pasar borong selangor tu...doket ajer dgn umah ko skrg ni mary.......so, bila 'MAKAN BESAR' nyer?/????
maybe sebab aku tak pernah pi pasar borong selangor tu awal2 pagi..sebab selama aku pi, tak pernah aku jumpa kaki lembu kat situ tapi aku pernah beli kaki kambing kat situ..bolehlah jadi gear box jugak tapi kecik lah...
aku bukan tak nak buat house warming tu tapi umah pun tak masuk lagi ni..nanti kalau kau tak dtg, siaplah...
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