hajat asal sebenarnya nak ke Zoo Melaka (sebab tak pernah pi lagi) tapi manusia dah terlalu ramai lah pulak..aku risau aje binatang semua menyorok sbb terkejut tengok orang ramai noo...
parking penuh sampai ke jalan..time tu abahnye, dah park dah kete kat tepi jalan..
tapi aku cakap awal-awallah ye.."ni kalau kena saman ni, jgn mintak I share bayar saman ye..."
kedekut ooo aku nak bayar saman...baik aku buat belanja makan kan...
so sebab tak nak bayar saman sorang-sorang..so kitaorang pun cancel pi zoo..
tu yg sebabnye pi naik bot lagi....tp cik abang tak naik (eksyen dia dah naik dulu..) sebab dia sakit kepala..melaka panas sangat time tu..
nak panjat A Famosa..takpelah ye, tunggu aku kurus dulu...nak panjat memang penat..tapi kot kalau turun, boleh digolekkan aje yg bulat ni turun bukit tu..ok jugak..tapi dah tanya guard kat situ..dia kata adegan golek-mengolek tak boleh..nak kena reserve adegan tu utk filem Don lakonan shah rukh khan..kah!kah!...
aku terbayang-bayanglah dulu mcm mana masyarakat duk kat tepi tebing sungai tu..dgn kapal dagang ye...mesti meriah kan...ala-ala venice dulu..yelah Melaka pun kan pernah digelar Venice Timur kan...
ni yg sempat aku klik sepanjang sungai Melaka tu...
Hi Marie, if I did not read your posting mentioning this place is Malacca, I would have thought it is somewhere in China.
Holy Smoke! Is that Malacca river?
My time back in the '50's, '60s, it was dirty, smelly and polluted.
I was born in Malacca....still ada relatives living there, some already suda naik atas...
I guess I must make a trip there bila balek kampong, check out the place where I was born, and had fun when young.
Love your pics, now saya da tau what Malacca looks like.
Thought China, ha ha.
Have a nice day, jangan lupa get anak water the plants.
PS, At night! Nobody can see, ha ha ha.
Yes Lee...Melaka dah betul-betul bertukar wajah...dulu time I sekolah kat melaka year 1987-1990...sungai melaka mmg kotor...tp effort by the state government plus been awarded as UNESCO World Heritage Site mean lebih banyak peruntukan utk menjaga the historical values in the city...
and yes Lee...u should come to Melaka..especially the Jonker Street and jgn lupa ikan bakar di Umbai tau...and also their famous authentic asam pedas...marvelous gitu..
Hi Marie, I was born at Heeren st. A Yeoh's clinic wayyyy back. A few of my relatives stayed there too, as well Banda Hilir, Ujong Pasir, Klebang, Tg. Keling.
I grew up at Limbongan. This during Chin Peng's time.
And love to eat Devil's curry at that Portuguese settlement at Ujong pasir. Used to get fights with the boys when call them 'grago', ha ha.
I still remember the fishermen tolak those big nets along the shore for shrimps.
I have been to all the Islands too, P. Jawa, P. Undan, P. Besar, P/ Upeh, go fishing.
And even mandi safar to Tanjong Kling.
I love Malacca foods too.....
Have a nice day.
Lee...i pun tak pernah pergi ke portuegese settlement tu...tart telur glamer kan kat situ...tart telur memang I suka..
Lee..banyak betul kenangan time budak-budak u kat melaka ye...i remember u wrote about mandi safar in one of your entry...memang nostalgic lah...skrg ni dah takde dah mandi safar, i pun tak pernah tengok orang mandi safar..
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